Only 12 Applicants Accepted - Check Us Out Now



This is a vehicle that is definitely not for everyone…in fact we are only looking for 12 special individuals that have three important traits.

The first is even if you don’t have the funds available, you must be willing to invest at least $1696/Monthly with us ( we can help you get business funding to assist you).

The second trait is you must be willing to learn and teach new skills.

The third important and final trait is the ability to take direction and execute.

Earn while you learn thru...

Affiliate Marketing

Start making money day one, just sign up for the affiliate programs we’ve selected and we plug your links into our funnel.  We pay for the traffic and you collect the checks.

Growth Funnels

Either mimic our funnels or let us promote your business idea or service to our list and funnels.  We help you grow your own list as well and help you monetize it. 

Credit Building

We’ll show you how to keep your personal credit intact while growing your business credit past $250,000+ to $1M. 

Tax Loopholes

Learn how to exploit tax loopholes in order to keep more of your money.  Purchase adult toys like cars for marketing purposes and write them off.

Lifestyle Marketing

We will come to you and showcase you and your success thru film.  We bring the film crew and edit the footage to create more traffic. 

Real Estate

We set you up with your own lead generation crew that will send you lease option deals at $10,000 to $20,000+ a pop one to two times per month.  We assist you with closings until you feel comfortable.  Leverage our agency

How are you able to charge only $1696 Monthly with 12 Mentees?

Were able to charge that small amount because were going to scale the membership fee to match the income we help you create.  Our goal is to help you scale your monthly income so naturally our membership will as well. (for example – once we get you past the $13,000/monthly mark, your fee jumps to $3000 monthly; you generate $24,500/monthly, your fee jumps to $4,500 monthly & so on).

You might also might ask why only 12 mentees….well that’s easy.  I want these relationships to be long term lucrative relationships that make a lot of impact.  I also want to have a group that want to actually take imperfect action 100% of the time.  No Learners!

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