Attn: Entrepreneurs, Hustlers, Online MarketersBusiness Owners & Funnel Hackers.


Best Bonuses

"Use Our Simple 'Plug n'Play' Formulas To Get More Leads, Sales, Subscribers, and Fans... No Marketing Experience Required!"

“Funnels and Copywritying is what made me rich… It has more impact on how much money you make with your company than anything else.” – Russell Brunson

Best Clickfunnels Bonus Presell

"What is Clickfunnels?"

It is NOT just another “advertising” tool.

It is NOT a tool that gets traffic – though it will help you get a lot more sales and subscribers from the traffic you currently get (even if it’s not that much right now).

It is NOT a tool that will give you ideas for products – though it will help you sell a lot more products, services, coaching, software, or whatever you sell.

This is NOT a tool just for list building – though it will help you build huge lists of targeted, rabid, ready-to-buy subscribers.

Clickfunnels is A SHORTCUT

This is not about “how to get rich”… but, if you use it, you will definitely make more money than you’re making right now in your existing business. Why can I say that?
Because this IS a tool anyone can use to get more clicks, make more sales, and get more subscribers… no matter what you sell or who you sell it to!
If you’ve ever been frustrated by lack of money, lack of sales, lack of clicks, or lack of subscribers… This is the tool you’ve been looking for!

Hurry, The FREE BONUSES & COACHING Won't Last Long!

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If you don't get how awesome and simple Clickfunnels is to use....your a Dumb A**!
Grow a sack Limp D**k! Go ahead and get it - then thank me later.
Garret White
Mindset Coach
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Love you Russell! Thanks for capturing 'my' story - my hope is that others will find guidance, see opportunity, and understand GROWTH is possible from watching this!
Trey Lewellen
E Commerce Hacks
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Clicfunnels made my business easier for me to get results for my clients. You could start a business just providing funnel creation and management services with Clickfunnels.
Ken Foody
Director of Strategies

Introducing 9to5killa Cartel!

Get More Clicks, Sales, and Profits…

No Matter What You Sell Or Who You Sell It To,

when You Take Advantage of Our Free Clickfunnel Bonuses! 

Web design is my life. Being with the 9to5killa Cartel has been an eyeopener on how I can take those skills and affiliate marketing and 4x my income.

The bonuses packages we put together are awesome.
clickfunnels bonus
Farrah Becker
Web Designer
So I was already earning a great income. Being in the 9to5killa Cartel has taken my bank account in way better direction. It's scary how simple it can be if you just follow directions. Just use or give away the bonuses! It works.
clickfunnels bonus
Clay Jordan
Web Development
I'm one of the player coaches inside of the 9to5killa Cartel. It took me about 3 years before I made any money online. I opened a Web Agency. Now I'm back using the skills I've picked up to grow some extra income streams thru affiliate marketing.
clickfunnels bonus
Reggie Pinkston
Agency Manager
From: Reggie Pinkston

Re: How to start getting results and profits… NOW!

Does This Sound Familiar…

You’ve got a dream to make your fortune online. Maybe you want to start your own web agency like I did… or sell coaching… or software… or a service… or an Ecomm product. Maybe you’re a professional, or a speaker, or an author, or a coach.
You’re tired of seeing your competitors make sales when you KNOW you’re smarter than they are and you’ve got a better product. Maybe you’ve thought about hiring a copywriter or a web designer, but when you see their prices you have a heart attack (not only from the up front fees, but they even want a percentage of your hard-earned money for as long as you run the sales letter and funnel)!
You’ve probably heard “gurus” brag about the millions of dollars they made. They all seem to have an “I made a million dollars and look how cool I am” story. It makes you want to bang your head against a wall because it all feels so out of reach!
Maybe your dream is to make a LOT more sales online using a funnel, store, or website. Maybe you need more leads in your business or for the phone to ring a little more often. Or maybe your dream is just to get something going so you can pay your bills each month and have a nice chunk left over (instead of working a second job just to make ends meet).
Whichever level you want to hit, it’s a sure bet you’d like to do it quickly and on “auto-pilot” so you can enjoy your life and family… instead of working all the time!
In the past, you may have experienced failure trying to sell online (or offline) and now what really petrifies you is potentially wasting a ton of time and money (like you may have done before).

I want you to understand one thing right now!

Wait for it....

clickfunnels bonus
This is the that rusty old bike with no brakes and one pedal that almost got me killed several times. I took a picture of it before I gave it to a scrapper so I can remember the growth.
clickfunnels bonus
This is how I started marketing.
clickfunnels bonus
Just got custody of my children.
clickfunnel;s bonus
My lil ones dancing out in the rain in front of the townhouse. Hey my mom let us do it!
The dealer getting the Lexus ready for me to roll out.

None Of This Is Your Fault

You just don’t know the formulas that actually work to sell in today’s fast-paced world… yet! It’s not that you’re not smart enough or lack the ability or will power to “make it happen.”
The actual issue is you’ve just not learned what the “professional marketers” know, but won’t (or can’t) teach you.
But, the great news for you is were going to show you how to increase your clicks, sales, and subscribers instantly (with the traffic you already have… even if it’s not much)! 
Bottom line: Online Marketing and Sales copy is a LOT easier than you think once you know the formulas and got a team behind you with tips and tricks!
Oh and one more thing…
Were not going to tell you one of those “how we made a million dollars” stories.
I am going to tell you a quick story about a product I was promoting online… this one made me an extra $1,600 bucks a month.
I had just separated from my wife. I had nothing.  Just $20.  A bookbag with some packs of Ramien noodles and a pack of hotdogs in it. Plus an old laptop.
I was so broke, I was sleeping on my brothers coach. I was broke, but I also had a dream. A dream to sell something that didn’t require me to trade time for money as a “wage slave” – which is exactly what I was doing before my body started giving up on me.  Osteonecrosis of the right hip.
You see, I got turned onto an Motorclub program that paid awesome commissions(I needed to make some bread fast – that couch was getting old and my little brother was getting on my nerves).  I didn’t even have a car and had to ride a rusty old bike with a crooked seat, one pedal and no brakes.
Problem was, the sales I was getting were tough offline. I was still trading time for money  plus I was getting tired of the rejection.
So I decided to try selling my product online.
That’s when I learned about making landing pages. Guess what…it worked. It started working so well that I eventually started reselling my page templates to other associates that were struggling online.
Then I made a decision that changed my life…

the shift

I decided I had to do whatever it took to get really GOOD at knocking out landing pages! Fast!

Around that time I started looking for a landing page builder that was not only affordable but was simple and fast to use. 
That’s when lightning struck for me and I “found it.” I started knocking out landing pages and funnels for clients and myself.

What happened?

My sales went up 230% literally overnight!

That 230% increase translated into a little over $1,800 a month.

Now $1,800 may not sound like much, but it made me feel like I was balling! That $1,800 a month enabled me to go from the couch and cover a townhouse payment in Virginia Beach, a Toyota Corolla, and the bills that came with that!
Long way from being homeless.

That $1,800 a month changed my life more than anything else I’ve ever done… more than getting the townhouse… more than buying the Toyota Corolla… more than that first house warming party  I threw… and more than eventually buying an Lexus Es350 (though I must admit getting custody of my kids and showing them how far dad has came was a biggie 😊).

All that other stuff is amazing. But not as cool as that first one. Those first sales funnels, when I believed in myself enough to feel in my soul “I really can do this. People around the world will buy stuff from me.”

you ready or....

reggie Pinkston with new lexus Es350
Pulling up to the old neighborhood feeling reflective.
Reggie Pinkston Review
Beware of cruise ships. They like to over feed you. LOL. That belly tho?
reggie Pinkston in the bahamas
a picture says 1000 words....

You Can Create What Would Have Taken Your Tech Team Weeks To Do…

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Not Sure How You'd Use A Funnel To Grow Your Company?

An Automated Online Salesmen.

clickfunnel bonus

What About Those Bonuses!

ClickFunnels is by far the best sales funnel builder in my opinion.  That’s why I’m about to unload the Best ClickFunnels Bonus Offer on the internet:

✅1-On-1 Email and Chat Support (P.S. This is the most valuable bonus – over 13 years online marketing experience, took my credit from 450 with a repo on it to 770 and clean!)

✅ GroupConvert Software

✅ Done-For-You High Converting Lead Magnets

✅ Massive Million Dollar Share Funnel Vault for ClickFunnels

✅ My Personal Lead Magnets & Editable Templates

✅ ClickFunnels Courses + White Label Rights

✅ Done-For-You Sales Funnel With Email List

✅ Done-For-You WordPress Website Loaded with this Exact Presell Page (Leverage Me)

✅ 11 Step SEO Checklist To Get Super-Targeted Traffic From Google

✅ My Plug in List With Web Design Lesson – Pro Results for Beginners

✅ White Label Rights to Practically EVERYTHING

Let’s dive right in and really break it down! 😄

It’s likely you’re here if you’re interested in getting a sales funnel builder, best online marketing bonus pack or best Clickfunnels Bonus.

I can tell you as an long time page builder that ClickFunnels is nothing short of phenomenal even without these bonuses.  My hope is that these bonuses will help enhance and fast-track your journey to success and financial freedom as you build profitable sales funnels for yourself and possibly for others.

Now, here’s what you’re going to get from me when you sign up at the end of this post…

ClickFunnels Bonus #1: UNLIMITED Email & Chat Support (PRICELESS)

For as long as you’re a ClickFunnels member signed up under me, you get unlimited email and chat support.  We’re talking whatever issues you may have, questions that arise, and most importantly getting clarity on how you should run specific areas of your business.

As a quick side note, there’s two main ways to get traffic: organic methods and paid methods.  I recommend focusing on one channel as your online hub to promote your offers and choose one paid channel to scale up your business. 

Now, it’s time to jump on into the next bonus!

ClickFunnels Bonus #2: Group Convert ($197 Value)

(Due to running out of licenses we are looking to add Morevago to the bonuses – you are welcome to check out the program thru our link if interested) Group Convert is a Google Chrome Extension. I’ll be giving to you to capture your Facebook group leads with just one-click!

One Funnel Away Challenge Bonus 2: Group Convert Bonus Box - ClickFunnels Bonuses

As a matter of fact, I personally use Group Convert to capture emails from every one that joins my Facebook group.  

Likewise, as an affiliate marketer this is invaluable for following up with a highly targeted group of people.

They’ll be more likely to buy from you because they know, like, and trust you.

Now, go ahead and watch the short video below. 

It will give you a better idea of the amazing power that Group Convert has to maximize lead generation.

You’ll be getting the Silver Plan account to manage up to 3 FB groups which would normally be $197.

To sum up, this is a priceless bonus if you’re looking to build your email list and Facebook group.

ClickFunnels Bonus #3: ClickFunnels Massive Share Funnel Library + White Label Rights ($1,000 Value)One Funnel Away Challenge Bonus 3: Largest Collection of ClickFunnels Share Funnels Library - ClickFunnels Bonuses

In my opinion, the best way to make A LOT of money as an affiliate is to utilize share funnels.

As a result, with this bonus you’ll be getting the rights to all 46 million dollar share funnels.

You’ll instantly be able to funnel hack several million dollar funnels with one click.

From the likes of Russell Brunson, Grant Cardone, Stephen Larsen, Sam Ovens, Spencer Mecham, Rachel S. Lee, and SO MANY MORE!

Moreover, you can use them as lead magnets, bonuses, or just study how some of these mega successful funnels work.

It’s like stealing…but it’s legal…just add your own twist and flavor.  You know there already working.

ClickFunnels Bonus #4: Million Dollar Ad Swipe Library, Ultimate List of Lifetime Recurring Affiliate Programs + White Label Rights ($500 Value)

One Funnel Away Challenge Bonus 4: Million Dollar Ad Swipe Library 3D Cover - ClickFunnels Bonuses

Inside this library you’ll get the the ad copy plus images to use of millionaire digital marketers.

For instance, marketers such as Russell Brunson, Kevin David, Dan Henry, Peng Joon, and more.

You can use this resource as inspiration for your own Facebook ads or sales pages.

In addition, feel free to use it as another high converting done-for-you lead magnet to build your list!  You catching on yet?

One Funnel Away Challenge Bonus 5: Ultimate List of Lifetime Recurring Affiliate Programs - ClickFunnels Bonuses

As the largest of its kind, this ultimate resource outlines over 130 lifetime recurring affiliate programs.

Why are recurring affiliate programs so powerful?

As an affiliate, you earn a commission every single month that someone stays on using a software.  This also means you don’t have to work as hard over time to keep bringing in new people to your offer.

In addition, with the rights to this document you can feel free to offer this as your own bonus or add links back to your own site.

ClickFunnels Bonus #5: Custom Lead Magnets & Editable Templates ($200 Value)

David Sandy Ebook Trilogy Books

You also get these three custom-made ebooks to use as lead magnets and want to not only give you access, but also the Canva templates to edit and use as inspiration for your own!

The three ebook templates you get are “The Truth About Building An Online Business”, the “Blog Starter Pack”, and “Passive Income Master”.  These three ebooks will help you get started creating a blog to generate traffic and generate income for the long-term.

You get the rights as well to do with them as you choose.

ClickFunnels Bonus #6: ClickFunnels Courses + White Label Rights ($2,000 Value)

Figuring out how to use ClickFunnels can be a challenge initially.

With access to our Digital Marketing ClickFunnels Course, you’ll learn everything you need to know to start building profitable sales funnels that integrate well with your business.

This includes the ClickFunnels Basics, Advanced ClickFunnels lessons, cool tips & tricks (such as dynamic browser tabs), and tons of extra tools & resources.

We’ve also decided to give away an additional ClickFunnels course with White Label rights.

You can use this course specifically to give away as a bonus for products you promote and recommend as an affiliate.

ClickFunnels Bonus #7: ClickFunnels Business Share Funnel Templates + Bonus Rights ($2,000)

ClickFunnels Business Funnel Templates

One of the best ways to start earning with your ClickFunnels account is to reach out to local businesses and offer to build a sales funnel as a service.

I’ve decided to streamline the process for you and give you 6 business share funnel templates which you can import directly into your account:

  • Dentist Funnel Template
  • Take Out Restaurant Template
  • Fitness Template
  • Fine Dining Restaurant Template
  • Contractor Template
  • Real Estate Template

In addition, you get the rights to give away all 6 of these templates as part of your own bonus offer.

Great cheat code to starting a web agency don’t you think?

ClickFunnels Bonus #8: Done-For-You Sales Funnel with Email List ($1,000 Value)One Funnel Away Challenge Bonuses Share Funnel - Best ClickFunnels Bonuses

The best training that I’ve seen if you’re just getting started with your online business is the One Funnel Away Challenge.

I’m going to GIVE you my entire sales funnel including all the bonuses and graphics for it so you can promote the One Funnel Away Challenge yourself.

In addition, if you have an Getresponse account then I’ll personally setup the integration for your email autoresponder.  This ensures your gathering the contact info of people who are interested in what your promoting and following up with them.

ClickFunnels Bonus #9: Done-For-You WordPress Website ($1,000 Value)

Done For You WordPress Website

If you’re going to sell online, you need a website.

By having a website, you’ll be seen as a credible resource when offering your services or recommending products.

As a special bonus, I will personally setup and install your own website.  I’ll install WordPress, the Elementor Page Builder and Astra Theme.

In addition, I’ll install and configure THE essential plugins to ensure your site is running fast and is optimized for the search engines.  All you’ll have to do is pay for your own hosting and domain with Bluehost, and I’ll take care of the rest. ( Very Important: Read Entire Page Before You Claim Your Hosting or miss all our bonuses )

As a beginner, it can be overwhelming to figure everything out and get your own website up and running which is why I want to setup everything for you. 

My blog is one of my traffic sources to get people into my funnels and email list.  By setting everything up, you’ll be well on your way to having it be your main traffic source as well.


ClickFunnels Bonus #10: My Personal 11 Step SEO Checklist To Get Traffic From Google ($500 Value)

SEO Checklist

So how do you get traffic to your website, into your sales funnels, and onto your email list?

This is a great question!  The answer is that you get traffic from Google by doing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for blog posts that your write on your website.

Why is traffic from Google so powerful?

The traffic from Google is super-targeted.  In other words, every post you write is focused on optimizing that post for a specific keyword.  When someone types that keyword into Google’s search bar, they can find links to your website.

The challenge with ranking for a specific keyword is that you need to optimize your blog post for the search engine and the reader.  That’s why I’ve decided to GIVE away the personal SEO (Search Engine Optimization) checklist to get super-targeted traffic from Google.

Now, let’s take a look at two more extra bonuses that are only available for a limited time.

ClickFunnels Bonus #11: Dofollow Backlink From My 2 Blogs [LIMITED ~ First 200 Signups] ($300 Value)

If you aren’t familiar, dofollow backlinks are simply links from another website to your own.

The more backlinks you obtain, the higher your rankings are in Google for all the keywords on your site.  It’s usually very rare that someone decides to link back to your site which is why I want to give you the opportunity to get a backlink from my blog as a bonus.

I’ll simply send you a form to fill out and put you on a special list to ensure you get a dofollow backlink for my next roundup post.  You can learn more about roundup posts here.

Another benefit to getting backlinks from my site is I send blasts of paid traffic to my site from time to time.  More traffic, more traffic, more traffic!

Just be sure to have a lead magnet to capture those leads.

ClickFunnels Bonus #12: Personal Funnel Review [LIMITED ~ First 200 Signups] ($1,000 Value)

One of the things you’ll need to do once you’ve got a funnel built is split test (try different variations of) your funnel.  I’m going to personally review your first funnel for you and give you some tips and pointers on what things I would split test and why.

Plus, it also helps to have a second pair of eyes on your funnel before you begin running traffic to it! 😃

ClickFunnels Bonus #13: Featured Blogpost Blast

One way to raise your status online is thru creating content.

We’ll take your fully edited original post with your video embed (if you want) and feature your blogpost to our E-mail list.  Include a backlink as well.  Plus to top it all off we’ll send 500 clicks from Quora directly to your post.

How To Get ALL My ClickFunnels Bonuses and Start Off A Champ:

clickfunnels bonus

In order to get all of my ClickFunnels bonuses listed on this page, you need to purchase the ClickFunnels 14-Day Free Trial using THIS LINK.

[NOTE: Before using the link above to purchase, please reopen this page in incognito mode and use the link above to make the purchase.  This ensures the payment is received and I can promptly get you the bonuses.]

Once you’ve done that, you should automatically receive your bonuses within 24 hours.  If you have any issues, then Contact Me Here and I’ll verify the purchase based upon the email you message us with.

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